Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just testing this out

We are enjoying our first week off of school for the summer. I thought I'd be free but I've been busier then I expected. We joined LA Fitness so we could get in shape for our big journey. We've ordered contacts for both of us and new glasses for Ernie. We priced some luggage and picked up some other things we'll need. It's strange how your perception changes when you know you won't be here very long.

I have been working on getting files off of my old mac and doing digital things but tonight I might actually start going through stuff in one of our closets. Even though I started sorting stuff in my classroom months before school was out I was still in a mad rush at the end and that can't happen when we leave so instead of ignoring it I am going to embrace it early on. It's good to sort, organize and get rid of stuff anyway. In a sick sort of way I actually enjoy it...anyway, that is where are at for now.

Countdown until we leave on July 24th: 57 days